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Cheney's got a Gun
Published on February 15, 2006 By
WinCustomize Talk
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Philadelphia comedian and impressionist, Joe Conklin, pokes fun of a recent current event with his remake of an Aerosmith classic.
* try http://www.joeconklin.com and then click on Dick's image if the other link takes too long *
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Comments (Page 1)
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Double Zero
on Feb 15, 2006
on Feb 16, 2006
ROLF!!!!!!thanks for the laugh!!
on Feb 16, 2006
Pretty darn funny.
I read somewhere, because he shot a lawyer, Cheney's popularity has risen from 43% to 97.8%.
Question is....was G.W.B there....and was the lawyer really the intended target?
on Feb 16, 2006
Unsupported news item just to hand (Aussie radio station gag)....Eyewitnesses claim shot lawyer bears stiking resemblance to President.
Chris TH
on Feb 16, 2006
Weren't they Quayle hunting at the time? (or is that quail?)
on Feb 16, 2006
Hehe....doesn't take long...
on Feb 16, 2006
because he shot a lawyer
This just adds to his list of Public Service.
on Feb 16, 2006
Weren't they Quayle hunting at the time? (or is that quail?)
More like duck hunting....if Cheney's got a loaded gun, you duck.
Won't the sh!t hit the fan if it turns out this guy happens to be Cheney's wife's divorce lawyer
This just adds to his list of Public Service.
on Feb 16, 2006
too funny!!
on Feb 16, 2006
I got on a most hated list on another site for stating what I thought of the administration....
seems they were all bigots and tended toward hating everything including themselves.....NOT a good place for me
my thoughts....(dang is this gonna get me in trouble here, too?)...
I wouldn't trust the guy with a gun...so what do you think my opinion is on his holding office?
should I duck now?
on Feb 16, 2006
got on a most hated list on another site for stating what I thought of the administration....
seems they were all bigots and tended toward hating everything including themselves.....NOT a good place for me
my thoughts....(dang is this gonna get me in trouble here, too?)...
I wouldn't trust the guy with a gun...so what do you think my opinion is on his holding office?
should I duck now?
Mrs footsie
I dunno about the other site, but I think you'll find WC is a little more broad minded and tolerant than that.
You can get some people to agree some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time, so you're always going to find differences of opinion where ever you go....but as for should you duck, nah, not here.
And yeah, I'd have the same issue with someone holding a gun and public office at the same time. Politics is supposed to be about peace, building and enriching lives...not taking them. Guns are weapons that can destroy and take life in the wrong hands, and given the (war/aggression) mentality of some politicians, the mixing of politics and guns to kill for sport, any reason, is a conflict of interests, in my book.
Seems some aren't taking their chances. though. Rumour has it that George W has bought himself a titanium enhanced bullet proof flak jacket....complete with hood and leggings.
on Feb 16, 2006
Just tell me one thing: what kind of an example does the Vice President of our country provide to our young people when he himself doesn't get off his gluteus long enough to pay $7 for a hunting license? Can you say Cheap Bastard? We have cheaps shots, Tricky Dicky, trigger-happy Dick and, oh yeah, jail inmate charged with involvuntary manslaughter if that lawyer dies as a result of Mr. Cheney's manly sportsmanship.
Sorry, I got all mad and pent-up like
when the Quicktime wouldn't play on my machine
on Feb 17, 2006
if that lawyer dies as a result of Mr. Cheney's manly sportsmanship.
That's just not gonna happen! No lawyer worth his salt, and steeped in the tradition of courtroom theatrics is gonna die before mounting a lawsuit that takes Tricky Dicky to the cleaners.
on Feb 17, 2006
Hi Sir starkers and Adrenochrome!
It's good to know I don't have to keep dodging hate threa*s. I've always tried my best to be congenial but I sometimes do (and did) get blunt about certain things...bigotry, bias, hate...the incessant refusal to care for the poor, the diabled, the unfortunates...and what it does to the rest of us...how it makes us feel...how it affects our lives...and the lives of those across the globe that we care so much about despite the horrible decisions of those in power that cannot and will not see beyond their own greed for more money and more power.
I think it's great that people strive so hard to be in business...like the folks here, for example. Entrepeneurs and artists, those organizing and running it, the techs, and all the researchers and everyone that makes it a viable market offering a popular and desired product.
Isn't that supposed to be what good governance means? Trusted heads of state in office as servants of the people, by the people and for the people?
This Cheney incident is just another in a long line of 'Above the Law' events of the current administration. Not one of the 'little people' would ever be able to just say 'Gee I feel bad I shot my friend' (while illegally hunting)...we'd get kicked around and thrown in jail.
But of course... the big people don't have to worry about that. They're 'Above the Law'
The corruption in the government has been insidiously inserted into every corner of all three branches...but I still believe there are some good guys up there...and although I don't believe in war, I support our men and women at arms...except the bad ones (the ones that torture people and beat up little kids.) But there are bad apples and good ones. The bad ones belong in jail, but they don't belong tortured. The nastiness inside the mind of someone that could do that to another living thing...
Thank you for making me feel like it's not a lost cause to fight to try to get back a good and just country for our country and our world. My voice, I've learned, is just a very small note among many that cannot and will not tolerate the abhorrent corruption, discrimination, greed and self-serving hypocrisy that has taken over how many of those in power run our lives.
on Feb 17, 2006
I began to really worry about my mother's sanity a couple of days ago, when she said she rushed home to see Darth Cheney's interview on the fawning Fox News Channel. I made a big "UGH!" noise and said, "He's so EVIL!" Her response? "I like Dick Cheney! He's not evil, he's just a very private man!"
Some day, I'll have to show her some of the stuff I've read that proves just how nasty the man is. If she gets all her news from Fox, of course she thinks he's a nice, private man.
Anywho, I'd been hearing this Aerosmith parody on Air America over the last couple of days and thought it was pretty damn funny. It sounds so much like Steven Tyler, it fooled me for a while
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